…all Languages In One, …Ide Ji Asusu Naijiria, …ikorita Gbogbo Ede Ile Naijeria, …cibiyar Harsunan Najeria


…all Languages In One, …Ide Ji Asusu Naijiria, …ikorita Gbogbo Ede Ile Naijeria, …cibiyar Harsunan Najeria

NINLAN Library
NINLAN Library 2


Welcome message from the Institute Librarian

On behalf of the National Institute for Nigerian Languages (NINLAN) Library System, I extend a warm welcome to NINLAN students and staff. The NINLAN Library will provide you with its resources, programmes and services to support your learning, teaching and research. The Library has staff who are committed to creating an enabling environment to support cutting- edge research and high-quality academic work. 

I invite you to familiarize yourselves with the library resources and services. Best wishes for a successful and fulfilling library and academic experience at the National Institute for Nigerian Languages.

Sincerely yours
Prof. C.I Ugwu

NINLAN Library system

The National Institute for Nigerian Languages (NINLAN) Library was established by Decree 117 of 1993. This Decree otherwise known as the National Institute for Nigerian Languages empowers the Institute “to erect, provide, equip and maintain a library”. Further, the Library is expected to help the Institute to fulfill its mandate. The Institute is a Centre for the exchange of information in the study of Nigerian languages and a Research Centre for the teaching and learning of Nigerian languages. The Institute is to compile, assemble and publish the results of researches into Nigerian languages. From its objectives and functions as contained in Decree 117, A.1589 (2 a & b); A.1591 (7 a –i), NINLAN is expected to produce Nigerian language teachers at Certificate, Diploma and Degree levels. The Decree further allows the Institute to run courses in Nigerian languages beyond first degree.

The NINLAN Library collections cover every work written in or about Nigerian languages (major or non-major). The legal depository rights help to ensure that this is achieved. Specifically, the library holds books in all areas of theoretical linguistics, African linguistics and Nigerian linguistics. The Library holdings also include books on grammar, dictionaries, all genres of oral and written literature as well as books on criticisms, stylistics, language education and general education books.

This Section is in charge of library stock development. It often engages academic staff and students in the onerous task of collection building by requesting them to recommend books for purchase and journals for subscription. The recommended titles are forwarded through the Acquisition Librarian to the Institute Librarian.

This Section is responsible for getting library materials ready for use by processing, cataloguing and classifying them. The Section is usually out of bound to non-library staff.

This Section oversees the circulation of library materials, the general reading area and the open access collection. Other important activities in the Section include registration of users, borrowing and returning of books, reservation of books for users, recall of books from users and replacement of lost library cards. The Section also serves as the public relations unit or the image maker of the Library.

This Section provides reference resources and services to staff, students and researchers. The Reference Librarian assists library users in getting information from the library resources for teaching, learning and research.

This Section contains back and current issues of foreign and local journals, newspapers, magazines and special collections such as Government publications, lecture series, rare books, project works and other important collections

This Section will help library users to do research online with immediate access to online databases, online repositories, e-books, e-journals and open access journals in different academic disciplines.  It will have over 100 workstations for use by staff and students.

To make the Institute Library ICT-driven and provide services based on global best practices and standards. Central to the realization of this vision includes development of comprehensive library collections in all formats; providing links to full-text databases and open access journals in all the core programmes of the Institute, development of e-library, automation of the Library and development of a user-friendly Library portal. The core values of the Library include openness, integrity, accessibility, reliability and responsiveness.

Our current opening hours are:

Open Close

Monday – Friday: 08:00am 22:30pm

Saturday: 08:00am 18:00pm

Senior staff members

Mrs. Ugwu, Mercy E, Assistant Librarian

Mr. Emejulu, Anthony, Graduate Assistant

Ms Ezeji, Juliet, Graduate Assistant

Ibrahim Musa- Graduate Assistant

The Library two Paraprofessional staff and six Senior Administrative staff

  • No phone calls in the Library.
  • Silence is to be observed at all times within the precincts of the Library.
  • Smoking is forbidden in all part of the Library.
  • Readers are not allowed to come to the Library with food or drink.
  • Hand bags, laptops bags, raincoats, umbrella, gowns, etc must be deposited at designated places or with the library staff at the entrance. Please note that the above items are deposited at the owners’ own risk and the Library disclaims responsibility for either loss or damage to any items so deposited.
  • All offensive weapons as well as firearms are not allowed into the Library.
  • No seat in the Library shall be reserved by or for any reader. This means that any seat so reserved shall be cleared by the library staff for use by others.
  • The Library can recall any book borrowed by a user. Any book recalled shall be returned within 72hours, or fines shall be imposed after three days.
  • Any library book to be taken out of the Library shall be inspected by the library staff.
  • All borrowed materials must be returned two days to the end of each semester.
  • All users must enter the Library with library cards.
  • Orderly conduct and absolute tranquility must be maintained at all times in all parts of the Library.

The offences and sanctions are failure:

  • Failure to return borrowed materials on due date, the offender shall pay a fine of N50.00 per day plus loss of borrowing rights till the books are returned.
  • Loss or misplacement of books and related materials. The offender shall pay twice the price of the book including shipping and landing charges, plus a processing charge of N2, 000.00.
  • Unlawful acquisition of library material/ stealing. A report shall be made to the executive director and the registrar for appropriate sanctions to be instituted against the offender. In addition, the offender will not be allowed into the library until their case is determined
  • Mutilation of library books and related materials. A report shall be made to the executive director and the registrar for appropriate sanctions to be instituted against the offender. In addition, the offender will not be allowed into the library until their case is determined.
  • Failure to return books when recalled. The offender shall pay over dues fines, plus loss of borrowing right until the borrowed books are returned.
  • Core library collections
  • NINLAN Electronic journal
  • Password based resources
  • IP based resources
  • Open access resources
  • The CLC is a collection of selected and current textbooks including journals tittles covering all subjects taught in NINLAN. As much as possible multiple copies of these materials are housed in the Library.

This is the online store for collecting, preserving and disseminating in digital form of all the NINLAN journal publication outlets.

The NINLAN Library services are:

  • Photocopying
  • Library instruction
  • Ask a librarian live chat
  • Article request service
  • Library request for literature search
  • Current awareness service

The Library provides photocopying service that enables users to photocopy pages of library materials and personal documents. Our charges are affordable and neat work is assured.

The Library organizes workshop on how to use the library catalogue, online databases and other resources. Further, use education in the library takes the form of the orientation programme for first year students at the start of a new academic year.

This service is only available to current NINLAN students, faculty and staff. The student or staff requesting for this service must provide the library with the following information:

Names, student/ staff ID no, E –mail, telephone or mobile phone number, status and faculty as well as the authors(s), title of journal, year, volume, page no of the article.

This service is available to potential and actual users of the NINLAN Library. The candidate for the service must provide their contact details as well as their proposed research topic. This information must be forwarded to the Institute Librarian.

  • Databases by subject
  • NINLANSpace
  • Plagiarism checker
  • Reference management

NINLANCat is the National Institute for Nigerian Languages Online Catalogue. It lists books and project works in the Library.

This database will cover all subjects taught at NINLAN. There will be alphabetic listing of these subjects, and within each subject, the database will be listed.

The NINLANSpace is the National Institute for Nigerian Languages digital collections. It is also known as the institutional repository of NINLAN. It will serve as the open access electronic archive or library for the collection, preservation and dissemination of the intellectual output of NINLAN in a managed environment.

Provide a list of them here

Reference management software makes it easier for you to cite materials that you consulted for your assignments project work, thesis and dissertation. The library helps students and staff to install the following software in their laptops 

  • Mendley
  • Endnote.
  • Research commons (RC)
  • Knowledge commons (KC)
  • 24- Hour reading Rom
  • Information Access center

The library hopes to provide the following spaces in the nearest future

  1. Research commons (RC): This is a technology equipped research environment intended for exclusive use by faculty, graduate students and researchers.
  2. Knowledge commons (KC): This is a computer laboratory for undergraduate students to assist them in their studies.
  3. Information Access Centre (IAC): This consists of training lab, a computer lab and seminar rooms. The facilities are for the use of the Institute community, other educational institutions and the general public. A valid ID will be required to use the computer lab.
  4. There will be a 24-Hour reading room in the Library.